S O U T H E R N   A P P A L A C H I A N   M O U N T A I N S   I N I T I A T I V E

Operations Committee 

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Role of Operations Committee (OC)
The Operations Committee is responsible for the overall operation and management of SAMI. They review committee work products and formulate proposals for consideration by the Governing Body. The Director reports to the Operations Committee. They typically meet quarterly.

The membership of the Operations Committee is:

  • Representative of the primary environmental official of the eight SAMI states. This person is often the director of the state air division.

  • Representative of the National Park Service

  • Representative of the Southern Region of the US Forest Service

  • Representative of the US Environmental Protection Agency Regions III and IV

  • Industry representative

  • Public interest representative

  • SAMI Director.

Current OC Projects
SAMI policy makers came to the rescue of the SE Workgroup by making some difficult policy decisions to resolve an impasse in the workgroup.  A split vote by the GB indicates the difficulty of the issue as well as the willingness of that group to decide and move on.  The OC agreed to meet monthly in the coming year with conference calls and six face-to-face meetings.  The Governing Body approved the Internal Fiscal controls policy for use by SAMI staff. SAMIextends thanks to our banker Wachovia Bank for underwriting a portion of our semi-annual meeting in Charleston.

Meeting Summaries

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S O U T H E R N   A P P A L A C H I A N   M O U N T A I N S   I N I T I A T I V E
The Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
828 251 6889

[email protected]

Thursday, December 21, 2000

© Copyright 1999 Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative